Thursday, January 5, 2012

DIM - Fun Bottles

Fun Bottles

Stuck with milk or yogurt empty glass bottles?
I always keep glass containers thinking that someday I will reuse them somehow, then I end up with thousands of them and never use them again...until I got a great idea!
Some glass paint and of course glitter...
And ta tannnnn!!!! a little butterfly and some flowers
And now I have a whole collection of bottles to keep my spices in the kitchen!
They last longer and look great!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

DIM - Pine Cones for Christmas

Pine Cones for Christmas

I actually did this one a couple of years ago...

It was summer 2009 and a group of friends and I went to do canoeing in Hoces del Tajo, Entrepeñas...great place to collect pine cones...

With some spray and glitter...

You can transform the regular pine cones into shiny Christmas decoration...

And voilà

DIM - Felt Christmas Stuff

Felt Christmas Stuff

The other day I went to a fun workshop at Entre Mamás ( With a cup of tea and chocolate cake a bunch of moms tried to produce at least one little something while playing with our LOs.
It was a great!
After 2 hours of workshop this is what I managed to finish :)

Great idea! so I went back home and looked for some more felt patterns, here is another cool idea:

 Now I have everything I need to create great Christmas things... I just need a whole new year to make it on time for Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

DIM - Wall Deco

Wall Deco

This one is thanks to my friend Andrea who cut the foamy flowers for a table centerpiece for a party.

I stripped the centerpiece and stuck the flowers on a wall using ribbons as stalks :)

DIM - Daily Clothes Organizer

Daily Clothes Organizer 

The other day I got a clothe's organizer from IKEA for my daughter...

But it was kind of boring, so I decided to add some colors to it!

I got a big template of letters and first cut them in paper:

Then, cut the days of the week in felt, and stick them on a piece of fabric:

Then cut some balloons for the final touch

And voilà ! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

DIM - Felt Baby Shoes

Felt Baby Shoes

I got this idea from a webpage ( and added some monstrousness to it!
All I needed was a piece of felt, thread, ribbon, felt balls, and plastic eyes.

You can get the patterns from the link above